Saturday 26 May 2012

Up before the crack of dawn, 1 a.m. to be precise after a paltry 3 hours sleep and get ready. We leave the house at 3.00, a taxi to Golders for the coach to Stanstead. Arrive, check in and by 6.30 we are winging our way to Berlin and the German Fetish weekend.
Bah to Ryan Air, you really are crap aren't you and oh so common. That fanfare as we land reminds me of America and...... cowboys so I suppose its rather appropriate.
Aaaaanyway Schōenfeld airport, hmmmmm. Well its not the airport its the railway station, so dire. You have an airport connected to a railway and there is no indicator boards and no information and no ticket office? Ah well we catch a train that thankfully is going in the right direction only to be told to get off at Grünbergallee to catch another. The only problem is this station has no indicator boards, well it does but they only give the end of the line and not stations along the way but it does have an office where can ask. Ah the next train is in five minutes, we reach the platform..... just as it pulls out, luckily the next is in another 10 minutes.
We eventually arrive in Berlin, phew my dears it is hot, hot, hot ! A ten minute walk with three cases to the hotel and yes the room is ready even if it is only midday. Dump cases and out for something to eat and drink, luckily there is a fab cafe almost opposite and suitably refreshed we return. Things to do, people to see and places to go are our watchwords. A quick shower and change, on with the slap and I'm Ann again, at last. Downstairs we totter, order a taxi and off into the scorching sun. We are in the west, just near the Zoo, where do we need to be? Deep in the east on Ohlauer Strabe. of course and there are road closures because of a carnival. We eventually arrive at the Fetish Fair, quite small compared to other years. We find our friends Peter and Sarah one of the sponsors,  have chats and run into the first of the British contingent, Drag Bitch, much merriment ensues. We troll round and see Velda Lauda corset maker extraordinaire, the guy from Bondinage and Jan fetish pics. After about four hours we have had enough, its time to get back to the hotel as we are meeting Peter and Sarah for dinner at 7.00. Outsidethe venue we also meet up with Mad Allan ! Of course this being the crap end of town it takes ages to find a taxi which of course costs us an arm and a leg.
Back at the hotel shower and change and off out, again. Taxi ! Yes we are off to the East again. Revaler Strabe and the Hotel Klassik. The taxi driver is fab considering he has a tray on board and we get a running commentary as we go through Berlin. As we get out of the taxi and cross the road I get that feeling. It doesn't happen often, silence, I feel all eyes on me as we cross the road, ah well never mind. Where re we eating? Oh next door to the hotel, ah well when in Berlin where do we go? For a curry of course !
Post dinner we take our leave, by taxi of course, well this is a iffy part of town. Back in the safety of the West and at the hotel we decide our liquid intake has fallen far below safety levels and repair to a bar opposite the hotel where the sight of a tranny who has had far too little sleep causes seem amusement but then us gurus are well used to that and so it is ignored. And so to bed……….

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