Well off we went again, the promise of cold but fine weather we set out. Fat chance! The rain that is supposed to arrive tomorrow has decided to turn up early. Ah well. Off we trot with very little idea how to get there, well the first part of the journey we know by heart,
Oxford Street but after that.... Aaaaanyway consulting a map at one those touristy bus type thingies a nice man tells us which bus to get. Oh dear,
Park Lane and the myriad of bus routes. The indicator board says our bus is the 11th one and will be here in........ 4 minutes.
Our bus is fairly disconcerting, it appears to cut out everytime it stops. Oh no it doesn't, its one of those new fangled hybrid ones, quite a comfy ride too. Aaaanyway I digress, Hyde Park Corner negotiated its down Knightsbridge and Brompton Road and we are there, the Victoria and Albert Museum.
My goodness its has been absolutely ages since I've been, so different. Well we wander, hither and thither, mindless ambling amongst pure wonderment. Paintings, sculpture, jewellery, oh the jewellery, the jewellery. We smell food, overbrimming with culture hunger drives us forth but what is this? Exhibition Road, its no longer a....... road? Since when? And what is this lump on the side of the Natural History Museum, not seen that before. After last week at the National Gallery with attendants shooing away people with cameras I am gobsmacked by the amount of picture taking and no one complaining!
Well by the time we leave the V&A is getting rather crowded so we hop a bus back to Oxford Street and wind up in Pizza Express near dear old aunty, eventually getting home at nearly five o'clock.
Sunday sees a few pictures being done then a trip to dear old Brent Cross. Oh my its Sunday and its raining which means lots and lots of people and we get clocked all over the place. No problems but boy do we get clocked. LOL Oh we love it ! Its the pubescent girls that can prove a problem but no, wild amusement of course but that is it. I can see many a 'girl' being put off by the attention but not us. A sweet smile and just 'keep calm and carry on' is our motto. I did feel sorry for one guy though, shock filled his face and just as he was about to tell his companions I caught his eye and smiled. Bwhahahahahahaha that made him run away. I must admit though we did rather over do it. We usually are quite reserved clotheswise when shopping but yeaterday, well not to put too fine a point it.. we were not. A short frock with broard red and white stripes is not blending in and neither were those shoes Stephanie, tee hee.