Another two days of here there and everywhere. Yesterday trip to
Brent Cross. Herds of kids on holiday and we are hardly noticed. We have a look at all our favourites,
Hobbs etc, etc.
Today we are off to the West End. We pop into
M&S for lunch but find it too, too crowded so its off to
Pret. Suitably refreshed we have a stroll around
New Look I am sooo underwhelmed by New Look, have been for simply ages, cheap and nasty with one or two exceptions. A couple of years ago I would have been hard pressed not to buy something but these days... shame really. Mind you gone are the days when I could have spent a fortune in
Zara. Aaaanyway, we leave and then we are off again to Notting Hill Gate and
Trendco, Stephanie requires new hair. We arrive early and dive into a local hostelry for a half hour where I have a lovely chat with a woman who just been to the David Bowie exhibition at the
V&A. I must admit having looked at it on their website I am not inclined to visit although I am considering becoming a member as then all the exhibitions will be free.
We cross the road and its into Trendco. My goodness we have wigs here there and everywhere. Such a fabulous advisor too. Naughty Stephanie selects a wig and another, and another and then... another ! Suitably weighed down we exit the shop and hop the bus back to Oxford Street only to find they have forgotten to pack something so we have to return. We are sooo lucky buses appear magically and we are soon homeward bound.
Quite how we do the things we do, go to the places we go to without a care in the world is a constant source of amazement to us both. Its never until its all over that we realise what we have done etc :-)
Well its off to the
LAM on Sunday to see how D got on with dying those long line bra's for us and to see the delicious Penny and Dave who will be unfortunately sans Natacha.