Tuesday 1 January 2013


Well 2013, how time fly's. 'Tis true, the older you get the quicker it flashes past.
No going out last night, well it's sooo expensive just to do what you would normally do and pay through the nose for the privilege, so we didn't. Did watch the fireworks though, felt a little yawn, seen it, until about half way through and then thought.... bugger I that's good innit. Still better being at home though, better view and not having to stand for hours beforehand. Getting too old for that sort of malarky I can tell you. I do wish they would learn though, close ups of fireworks don't really work, there is a hell of a lot more going on than you can see. True 'tis pretty but.... now long shots from helicopters or ground 'ish level are different, much more effective.
Well I wonder what this year will bring. More outings for sure but what does fate have in store? I'm sure if we knew we would wish we didn't.
I'm sure it happens in all walks of life but reading a friends Blog I notice even when in a minority group people attempt to take over and control. Thinking about it I suppose the smaller the minority the more likely it is to happen as there is less people to rise up against you. I suppose the worst of it is that those who need support retreat into their own world rather than confront this type of person or persons. Call it what you will the cd,tg,ts,tv world is rather small and many do need the support of others. Personally I do not. I go my own way, always have, always will. I've seen it in the fetish world, if you don't do things my way then can't call yourself whatever. Well dearies that is exactly my response, WHATEVER. Stick your opinions and attitudes where the sun doesn't shine. You might think it shines out of there but believe me......... it doesn't. What you all really need to do is get out there in the real world.
I know there are a myriad of places I cannot go because of who I am but I would rather keep my outings to daytime than have to restrict myself to only being in the company of other 'girls' and going to places that are only for 'girls' like us, every time I hear the words Brick Lane my heart sinks. Good grief give me variety.

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