Saturday 16 November 2013

Delightful days

Another two happy days with Stephanie. Off out on Friday, bus up to the west-end and a delicious lunch in M&S and then onto the Science Museum in South Kensington. Well my lovelies I hadn't been there for many a year. Oh how it has changed. We were rather taken by the ground floor but not so enamoured by the higher ones, in fact they got worse the higher we went. Ah childhood memories of flicking switches and turning handles, all gone. Herds of school children of course but we walk round unnoticed.

A minor hiatus when Stephanie loses her handbag but it is soon found, phew! Off out into the cold and a bus back to the west-end. We dive into Superdrug as Stephanie needs some new razors. Well as you can imagine it is one of life's little laughs buying male sundries whilst en femme.
After dinner we take ourselves off the Ikea at Brent Park for various items. Quite amazing we only get a couple of quizzical looks.
Today, well morning is photo time followed by lunch an a visit to Brent Cross. Of course it is much more crowded than weekdays but it doesn't stop us, oh dear me no.

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