Monday 26 August 2013

A pheonix rises

A trip to the new and as yet unopened Breathless shop yesterday. Madam and I went down by tube and met up with Dolenta and Andy in midst of decorating what appears to be a far better laid out shop. Soon madam, Andy and I have left them to it and wander into the gentrified part of Kings Cross. Gone are the gasometers and redone roads and buildings sparkle in the sunshine.

Of course its all rather trendy and thereby expensive. We meet up with Andy's cousin Stephanie and wander back to the shop for a chat before crossing the road into a time warp. An old fashioned pub, an Irish pub with hurling on the telly, well multiple tellies. Oh dear, I do not exactly fit in with the locals but they are friendly :-) A little drinkie and off to find something to eat. Poor Andy is starving. We wander up to the Euston Road and into yet another dive of a pub, The Rocket. Poor starving Andy, everything he chooses from the menu is... off, tee hee. Food eaten we return to the shop and take our leave. Stephanie has retired to the pub opposite so in we go to say our goodbyes and most of the lunchtime customers are still there at 6.30.

Today is T-girl Stephanie day, off to Camden. A wander round the stalls and shops in the markets then down the high street, we get to Camden Station and then its up Parkway to Pizza Express for lunch so I can more or less keep to the diet. Post lunch we return to the high street and pop into the Oxford Arms for a drink. We return to the market via the Canal and over the bridge by the Ice Wharf. Another wander and then its homeward bound.

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